Helpful Online Tools

#4articles4weeks #Week2


2 min read

This is my second article for the #4articles4weeks challenge on Hashnode and the question I chose to answer today is:

What have been the most helpful online tools to self-improve as a developer/software engineer (from bootcamps to university degrees?

This one is a little difficult because it truly depends on what you are aiming to do. I personally had the opportunity to attend a bootcamp that provided me with the footing to get into Software Engineering. However, prior to attending my bootcamp, I used various online tools to prepare me. This includes, but is not limited to, the following websites that played a major role in my ability to improve as a software engineer. :


Google and youtube are amazing when you are learning. I remember finding codewithmosh when I was googling/searching youtube for a lesson on redux. I enjoyed codewithmosh's teaching style and signed up for one of his courses. You never know where you might find your favorite teacher.

As I advanced, I found myself signing up for paid courses on the following sites:

When I began practicing my algorithms and data structures I found myself using sites like:

Some notes to carry with you.

  1. While all of these resources are great, it is important that you remember to read and use the documentation for the languages and resources that you are using. Make sure to build something on your own, having courses are important, but having an understanding and building on those learnings are key to success.

  2. It is important to not only build things on your own, but build things with others. Join communities, like Twitter, or Discord, or Slack groups. Put yourself and your work out there. Contribute to an open source project on Github and show off those skills!

  3. NEVER EVER BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS! Question everything you do and see, this you will make you a better developer! Keep going, growing, learning, and building.

As always thanks for reading! See you next week :)

Here is a tweet about some books that were gifted to me that I used too:

— Brittany || B. (@SincerelyBrittt) May 19, 2021